Why is there Sewage Water Coming up the Bathtub Drain? Call a Plumber Now!

bathtub drain under clear water

If you have sewage water coming up the bathtub drain, your problem is not as uncommon as you would initially think. This issue often results from blockages in the sewer line that can be stopped with a plunger or toilet snake.  The most common symptoms of this happening are increased water pressure and sewage odors […]

Partes de la bañera que debe saber y cómo reemplazarlas

random bathtub parts

Las piezas de la bañera se desgastan y corroen y la mayoría de las personas en esta situación llaman a un plomero. Pero dado que los expertos dicen que el costo promedio de contratar a un plomero para reparar una parte común del baño como un grifo es de alrededor de $ 250 en todo […]

Bathtub Parts You Should Know & How to Replace Them

bathtub parts and wrench

Bathtub parts wear out and corrode and most people in this situation call a plumber. But since experts say the average cost of hiring a plumber to fix a common bathroom part like a faucet is around $250 nationwide, it makes sense to go to a hardware store and buy some of the most common […]